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Monmouth County Air Conditioner Repair Jobs that Homeowners Can Do

Trouble with an air conditioner can be a stressful experience. For one, this is one system that most homeowners are uncomfortable dealing with. Whether it be maintenance or repair, most homeowners are hands-off when it comes to heating and air conditioning. For the most part, this is not a bad or wrong thing. Many tasks associated with a heating or air conditioning system is best dealt with by experienced professionals. However, there are quite a few things that owners not only can do, but should do. These small things make a big difference in how often you need to call for Monmouth County air conditioner repair.

Ensuring Proper Air Flow is Crucial to Avoid Monmouth County Air Conditioner Repair

Every heating and air conditioning system is based on air flow. Therefore, it isn’t hard to understand why any reduction of air flow within an HVAC system should be repaired immediately. Things that can affect air flow are a dirty filter, an improperly rated air filter, inadequate clearance around units, damaged duct work, and closed vents.

Change the Air Filter Regularly

Monmouth County Air Conditioner Repair technician changing air filter

The number one defense against debris entering your HVAC system is the air filter. Under average conditions and usage, change a filter every three months. In some cases, using a forever filter that can be washed and reused is an economical and effective option. If you aren’t sure what type of filter your system requires, check with your Monmouth County air conditioner repair technician. Forgetting to change the air filter or choosing the wrong filter leads to reduced air flow. Filters that are too strong can be just as bad for a system as a blocked filter. Both cause your air conditioner to have to expend much more energy to treat and cool the air for your home. Improve HVAC efficiency by ensuring you have a clean and correctly fitted air filter.

Open and Clear all Vents

It used to be a widely held belief that closing vents and shutting doors on rooms not in use would reduce your HVAC usage and therefore, lessen your energy bill. The industry has been trying to get homeowners to understand that in fact the opposite is true. All vents and registers should be open and unobstructed at all times. Any blockage actually forces the system to work harder to process the same amount of air. Routinely take a walk around your house and make sure no furniture or décor is covering up any vents. Closing vents does not change the amount of air travelling through the system. It simply gives it less exits to escape through. No matter what anyone tells you, it’s better for your heater and air conditioner to leave all vents open.

Turn it Off and Turn it Back On Again

Better known as a system reset, this doesn’t just apply to computers. When it comes to Monmouth County air conditioner repair, this means checking the thermostat and the circuit breaker. Many issues with heating and air conditioning can be fixed by addressing problems with the thermostat. Whether it is dead batteries, incorrect settings, or an electrical problem, checking the thermostat is a great place to start if you aren’t getting cool air in the summer. Double checking the circuit breaker is also a quick and easy step every homeowner can take before they schedule a repair call. Anything beyond these steps should be entrusted to a well-trained Monmouth County air conditioner repair technician.

Maintenance by a Monmouth County Air Conditioner Repair Specialist is Best

Even with the best care by a homeowner, annual inspections are an important step in HVAC maintenance. The best thing homeowners can do when it comes to caring for their HVAC units is to keep up with yearly inspections by a Monmouth County air conditioner repair specialist like Toms River Heating and Air Conditioning. These professionals are able to identify, diagnose and repair issues all before systems fail and homes become uncomfortable. In other words, neglecting this one step can lead to disaster during the hottest days of the year. Plus, a better maintained air conditioner is a less expensive air conditioner. The more efficient the machine, the lower your energy bills. Save money, avoid stress, and take proper care of your HVAC by contacting a Monmouth County air conditioner repair company today.

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